Hardy and Miller conversation of the day – don’t tell me to go home

normal_B_S1_E7_0121Miller: We can manage without you.

Hardy: That’s what you’ve wanted right from the start, this job the job you think I stole.

Miller: For God’s sake, sir!

Hardy: Come on, Miller. With me out you get to lead. Dream come true.

Miller: I wouldn’t want your job.

Hardy: Don’t be daft. If you get offered it, you’d take it.

Miller: I wouldn’t be up to it.

Hardy: Yeah, you’re right.

Miller: What?

Hardy: Well, it’s a tough job. You’ve found your level. Rural DS – keep within your limits.

Miller: Don’t tell me what my limits are!

Hardy: Then don’t tell me to go home.

So here’s a conversation between Hardy and Miller from series 1 episode 7… and Miller haven’t you learned anything, you cannot make Hardy do anything he won’t do himself!


Hardy and Miller conversation of the day – is Hardy religious?

maxresdefault (9)Miller: What about you, then? You religious?

Hardy: Yeah. I pray nightly you’ll stop asking me questions.

So tomorrow  is Broadchurch day… and I am going to watch and review the fourth episode som the first series. So here’s a conversation between Miller and Hardy when they are on their way over to questioning the vicar.

I really love the dynamic between Hardy and Miller – and yes think it is the start to a weird friendship… but I love it and I can’t wait to see how the dynamic is going to be in series 3, we can only wait to see. But I am actually not wishing those two to get together, because I think that will ruin the dynamic between.

So that is all for now – and I am back tomorrow with a review of the fourth episode 🙂